Saturday, July 17, 2010

Secret to a lasting marriage

There are thousands of books on how to have a better marriage. Follow this formula,read this article or find a new spouse. In reality the answer is much simpler but maybe harder to do. It's realizing marriage is not the ultimate goal it is just a step in our journey to heaven.

Marriage is not the end of fun, not the end of spontaneity, or the end of one’s freedom. Marriage if done right is the beginning to living our life as God designed it. It is learning to sacrifice for others, love someone when you may not like them at that moment, its learning patience and forgiveness for the inevitable hurts you will endure. Marriage is giving up your life for your spouse and kids. Marriage is seeking help from a source greater than your own. Marriage is of this world and temporary. What we learn and the relationship we develop with God during our marriage is eternal.

It is not the marriage relationship that is the problem it’s the God relationship that needs to be worked on. In working on our relationships with God we will improve our marriages.