Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It may not be what you think

My wife's father is 90 and having some heart trouble. He has finally had to go into a skilled nursing facility 1500 miles from where we live. This has put stress on my wife and her siblings who live by her Dad. One of the biggest struggles they are having is where he should stay and who is in charge. While we all want what is the best for him there is an elephant in the room no one wants to see.

My father-in-law won't be around much longer and his quality of life has gone downhill but he hangs in there, why? Is his illness just a straight forward event or is there more to this? I believe God wants to use his sickness for a greater purpose. My wife and the rest of her family have never been very close and they relate to each other in a very superficial manner. I think this whole experience is to bring about trust, grace, patience and love among the family.

God in His infinite wisdom sees what we can't. He can use any circumstance to teach, guide or heal us if we allow Him. Maybe this isn't about an old man's death but about the growth in his kids towards each other and their Creator.