Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm Bored!

When did society get to the point where we need to fill every hour of every day?

Our daughter and her husband are visiting from Texas and we are constantly asking them if they have something they want to do. Life is so full that the thought of sitting and doing nothing is a foreign concept. Somehow years ago families were able to get together and play games or read or take walks and talk. Today we are all tethered to a phone that gives us minute by minute updates on the world, friends and family. How did we survive without knowing within seconds that little Johnny said his first word? Would our quality of life diminish if we didn't get to see the Christmas pictures within hours after they were taken? Is it really that important to let everyone know that Wal-Mart is having a sale on hamster food?

In all the hustle and bustle of today when do we have time to really sit and talk to each other? When do we have time to quiet our minds to hear God speak to us? Perhaps it's time to get back to basics and live simpler and possibly happier lives.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where's the line for Jesus?

A song that has been going around the last couple years asks this question.

What if Santa was at the mall and so was Jesus and you could only talk to one of them. Who would have the longest line? One guy is jolly, hands out candy and asks what he can bring you for Christmas in a couple weeks. The other guy looks pretty normal. No red suit or elf's. He has a brightness in his eyes but that's about it. He also knows all about you just like Santa but He isn't promising any gifts under the tree. He is offering you a gift but you won't fully appreciate it until you die.

So you have a dilemma. One guy is offering eternity but you have to wait while the other offers instant gratification. Which line is longer?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Being unique

Where I live people seem to have accepted mediocrity. The level or quality of work around here is poor but people seem to just look the other way rather than ask for more. I think parents have also gotten use to accepting mediocrity from their kids. We tend to raise our kids to fit the standard norms. Don't be too weird, don't dress different or call attention to yourself. But I have to wonder is that God's plan? Hasn't God made us in His image? I don't believe there is a cookie cutter in Heaven where people are made like carbon copies one after another. God has given each of us our own uniqueness, our own kwirks and gifts. We all aren't made to be athletes or musicians. We all aren't designed to go to college or to be pastors. We are individuals with our own abilities and passions.

For too long parents have tried to mold their kids into what they think the kids should be without really looking at the talents of their kids. Parents want their kids to "fit in". If being "normal" is such a great thing why is society in the shape it's in? If fitting in means conforming to the ways of this world than I say it's better to be non-conforming. What are the redeeming values in society today? It's hard to find many but if you did the opposite of what most people do you may be astonished what God does in your life.

Take a few chances. Step out of the norm. Follow God's call for your life wherever that may lead.