Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dad's Day

This weekend most of us will be thinking about our Dads. Some will send a card or make a call. Others will take Dad out to eat or golfing. Unfortunately some will not have any good thoughts about their Dad. He was either absent, abusive or just not involved. While we spend Fathers Day usually thinking about our Dads perhaps we should change our focus.

The majority of us are Dads or will be Dads in the future. Instead of focusing on the past and our Dads maybe we should focus on the future and what kind of a Dad we are or will be. What will our kids think about us on future Dad Days?

We all will leave a legacy whether we like it or not. Some will be good and some not so good. What will your legacy be? Will the kids want to spend Fathers Day with you or will they hope they don't have to see or talk to you? Will they have anything in common with you or will you be a stranger? Will their own marriages be solid because of the time you invested in yours and will they thank you for it?.

This Fathers Day, give your Dad props if you want. Take him to lunch or a game but also look at your life. Five, ten or twenty years from now what will YOUR kids think when Fathers Day comes around?

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