Monday, May 31, 2010

God vs the iPhone

We got together this weekend with some friends and family. During chips and ribs a few of us guys got to talking about our phones. The iPhone vs the Droid and Mac vs PC. One of the guys is really into Apple and can talk non-stop about the iPhone and his new Mac. He's pretty knowledgeable and should be an Apple salesman as he had us wanting to hit the Apple store and purchase one.

His wife was talking with the girls and smiled at her husbands enthusiasm and said "Look at his passion for that phone. Just think how he could influence people if he were on fire for God". What a powerful statement!

As men we are born with passion. That's why usually the best in any endeavor are men even those industries usually thought of as a woman's world. The top chefs are men, the top designers are men, the top hair dressers are men. Men have the ability to focus on one thing and do it very well. What that one thing is is different in each of us. But what if we turned our passion to God rather than cars, sports, work or our gadgets? What changes could we make in the world?

Need a GPS or looking for a song or to learn Spanish, Apple has an app for that. But what about if we need to heal a marriage or mend a broken heart or forgive a fallen friend? Can our phone help us? Where do we go for the really important things if life? God has an app for that!

How many marriages could be saved if we spent as much time studying our wives as we do our computers or how many kids could be kept off drugs if we spent as much time with them as we do at work? What if the guys who spend their time figuring out how to make a computer that fits in our pocket and plays music spent time figuring out how to increase crop production in third world nations or how to clean up oil from gas spills? What if we each gave that $200 we would spend for that new phone and instead gave it to Feed the Children or a similar charity? How could that money help abused wives or crack addicted babies? Look at the billions we spend on gadgets that will wear out in a year or two. Gods word never wears out! It is timeless and is as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago. Name a human made product with that life span? What if we gave our lives to Jesus instead of this world? What amazing things could we accomplish?

No one will be on their death bed wishing they could hang on a little longer so they can see the 25th generation of iPhone but how many of us will lie there wishing for a few more days to see a grandson graduate or a granddaughter give birth? Technology will continue to change but the human heart won't. The things we need, the things we crave are not those things that man creates. They are the things eternal that span all generations and lifetimes. They are the things that truly make us happy and content. The sooner we figure this out the better we will be and the better our families and society will be. Enjoy your phone but remember it's only a bunch of plastic and silicone. God's word is alive as are our families. Decide for yourself which will comfort you in your times of need.

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