Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Money spent wisely

Our small church is trying to raise funds so we can move from the high school we currently meet at to a permanent site. In doing so we anticipate our attendance to increase and our outreach to the community to expand. It will require the congregation to dig into their pockets and part with more of their hard earned money.

Another blog I was reading today talked about a new JD Hayworth ad which is currently just on the web. The campaign is asking for donations so they can get it to TV.

Do you realize in the election of 2008, $5.3 billion was spent by candidates, political parties and interest groups on congressional and presidential races. This didn't even include all the local races. According to OpenSecrets John McCain has raised $16,000,000 for his current race and has $26+ million on hand.

In the big scheme of things are we wiser to spend money helping the poor or enlisting volunteers for Hayworth? Is it wiser to spend money to dig wells in Africa or watch Obama on the tube? If all we have is God's and we are only temporary stewards of His money how would He want it spent? If we are to store up things eternal are we better off giving our $100 to Feed The Children or John McCain?

How much good could be done in the world with the billions spent on hyping the next savior? No matter the party or politician it seems hard to justify the kind of money we spend on people who will sell us down the river in a heartbeat. Our current economic situation should have woken people up. They spent billions to buy homes and invest in stocks to only see their networth crumble. Anything or anyone bought with money can disappoint and devastate our lives. The things that are precious in God's eyes are not those things money can buy. Perhaps we should trust God to put into power the person He deems fit and use His money to help those who really need it.

To my good friend who is part of this whole process, it's not an indictment of you its just my reflection on how far society has fallen and what and who we feel are worthy of our (Gods) money.

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