Friday, April 30, 2010

God's Heavenly Dumpster

A few years ago we packed up everything we needed and moved 1500 miles to get a new start. After 17 years of living in the same house you tend to accumulate a lot of stuff. Some of the stuff, are things you had to have but only used once. Some is stuff you’ve had forever. Things like high school yearbooks, trophies and ribbons from childhood when you were the next superstar and plaques and awards from business achievements. When you start packing things up you begin to realize how many of your closets and cupboards are filled with memorabilia. With limited space we began tossing things out. Was I ever going to need that trophy from 1971? Will anyone ever care my wife’s organization won national association of the year in 1998? So into the dumpster it all went. Some of it was pretty hard to part with. I’m not sure why except that we always want to relive the glory days. We arrived at our new home and unpacked everything and it was amazing, we didn’t miss a thing we threw out! For years we held onto stuff that made not one bit of difference in our life.

I think this is how God looks at us. We hold onto our triumphs and our failures of the past and we let them define us. God doesn’t judge us by where we’ve been He looks at where we are and where we are headed. God tells us to leave our past in His heavenly dumpster and He will dispose of it. It just takes up space and weighs us down. He tells us to store up those things eternal and to let go of our worldly possessions. It’s amazing how light and free we feel when we concentrate on the eternal things. We won’t really know how to live until we stop worrying about what everyone thinks and only concern ourselves with what Christ thinks.

Start unloading the baggage that has been taking up space in your life. God’s dumpster is always open and it’s never full.

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