Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Leader of the Pack

Last night I was looking out the front window and saw a group of Javelinas walking down the street. A dog across the street started barking and the lead male took point and the others got behind him. As in most packs the male leads and protects his family. Why is it an animal seems to know more about laying down his life for others then us humans? The male will fight to the death to protect what is his. Why does the human male give up when things get too tough?

There was a time when men opened car doors for their women. They pulled out the chair at dinner and made them feel special. What happened? Look at the romance novels women read. There is always a woman in some type of trouble and along comes their knight in shining armor. The knight not only will fight for his love but will also write her a poem, build her a house and be faithful forever more.

Women yearn for the romantic days of being the damsel in distress waiting for prince charming to rescue them. Men, it's time to rescue our women! Be Sir Lancelot or John Wayne. Sweep your woman off her feet. Be tender and loving but also decisive and strong. Take the lead and protect your pack!

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