Friday, February 11, 2011

Pet peeve of the week

A manufacturer of baby monitors has recalled 2 million units due to the death of 2 children. Now, don't get me wrong. The death of any child is tragic but more children are killed in cars, on bikes, in bathtubs and by abusive parents not to mention the millions who have been killed by abortion. The recalled units did not explode or catch fire. They were placed too close to the cribs and the kids grabbed them and got tangled up. The company is now placing a warning on the packages about the potential for strangulation.

I have an idea. Maybe we should recall the parents who are either so irresponsible or negligent that they put the monitor too close to the crib. While we are at it lets recall cars, tubs, bikes and anything else we could hurt ourselves with. And since humans do so many stupid things maybe God should be recalled. After all He didn't warn us of all the trouble we could get into. Oh wait, He did, it's called the Bible.

Until we take responsibility for our actions society is doomed. Until we die to self and seek the One from Whom all knowledge is derived we will continue to be a blame someone else world. Read the Bible and see how well the people did who forgot about God and relied on their own brains. It's not a pretty picture.

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