Wednesday, March 24, 2010

35 days and counting

Last month our church was talking about prayer and fasting. We talked about the different fasts and different ways to fast. The one common message was we were to fast something that interfered with our time with God. Food has never been a big deal to me. I go without breakfast and lunch quite often. It seemed that the one thing that got between me and God was TV. It was often normal to flip on the tube at 7 and watch for a couple hours. It was veg time.

So 35 days ago we quit watching. This is during 24 and March Madness too. One thing I can tell you is we DO NOT miss it. We spend our evenings now doing our studies, going for a walk, reading etc. We use to go out to eat but always would check our watch so we could be home in time for a certain show. Now it doesn't matter. The freedom of not being tied to a TV schedule is amazing.

My walk with God has become much closer this past month. The books I've read have opened my eyes to deeper matters I may not have considered. Our desire to serve has increased along with the time to do it.

We are all given the same amount of hours a week. Why does it seem like some get so much more done? Maybe they've shut of the tube.

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