Saturday, March 13, 2010

God, send me a sign!

It's strange and a little sad how we are continually searching for a sign on what to do. This sign may come from God, Mother Nature or our belief in aliens. What's really sad is when a believer in Christ wonders "Is this a sign from God?"

During the period of my wife's affair she told of many times she would run into the other guy and would think "This just can't be coincidence". She would bump into him in a store or hitting balls at the driving range. Surly, she would say to herself, this isn't by chance. God wants us to be together! Add in the fact that this guy was a socializer (which I'm not) and liked to dance (which I don't) and the signs were just all over the place.

She would say something like "I know God brought him into my life for a reason".

Pardon for this interruption I just had to answer the door and was greeted by two elderly people inviting me to their church for Easter. A very nice couple of Jehovah's Witnesses. Now, was this a sign I should convert? If not, then why are some things that happen to us a sign and others aren't? Could it possibly be that our "signs" are actually our flesh giving us the go ahead to do things God would deem unacceptable? OK, back to the story.

Isn't it ironic that she was consumed with a sign from God, when God was clearly speaking to her through the Bible. Doctrine teaches us about the authority of His Word. God's Word is the path and final word on our lives. Forget our feelings and emotions, forget signs and hunches.

When you plead to God to send you a sign, remember He already did. His Word is true and will never change.

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