Wednesday, March 10, 2010

God knows your Google search

Everything you want to know about anything can be found with the click of the mouse. From the lyrics to the Flintstones to the temperature in New Zealand in August of 1977. We use the Internet to do research on term papers, buy airline tickets and keep up with friends. But what else do we do online? When no one is looking what sights are we surfing?

The vast resources available on the world wide web can also have destructive consequences. Porn, emotional affairs and voyeuristic tendencies are all easily found with one click of a button. No matter what you think, you're not sneaking away with anything. There is One who sees your every click and knows your every search. If your earthly parents were watching you surf would you be more careful in what you viewed? Remember your heavenly Father is also watching and He sees it all.

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