Saturday, March 27, 2010

Are we reliving Old Testament times?

I was reading Joshua and came to the last chapter. In it, Joshua is old and doesn’t have long to live and he’s telling the people to remember God’s commandments and remember all that God has done for them. God brought great nations to their knees as Israel spread out after Moses died. Battle after battle God was with them and they always prevailed. Joshua goes on to say that if they forsake the Lord, he will turn and bring disaster on His people.

Something hit me when I heard that. The U.S. has been blessed for years. In battle after battle we have defeated our enemies but now it seems we are weaker and possibly don’t have the protection we once had. Terrorists now openly mock us and plot to kill us without fear. Foreign countries look at us with disdain and contempt and I wondered when this may have started. The Vietnam War is the only real defeat we have had in battle. It can be argued whether we were defeated or not but when hundreds of thousands of our soldiers die and we pull out without victory I would say that’s a defeat. The end of that war is considered March of 1973. If we lost God’s blessing around that time what would have caused that? The Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade was January 1973. Coincidence or not? I don’t know but if we are to believe the Bible then the start of legalizing the killing of millions of babies may have lifted our protection.

If God’s blessing on this nation is gone can we get it back? If so when and how? One thing is certain we are under constant attack by terrorists both domestic and foreign. Not only militarily but also economically. Read the Old Testament and see what happened to God’s people when they angered God. It’s not a pretty sight.

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