Monday, March 1, 2010

Avoiding Pain

Our daughter-in-law was stung by a scorpion the other night. The pain was short lived but still excruciating. A while back I broke a tooth and because it wasn't bothering me I didn't go see a dentist. A few months later my jaw began to ache so I went in and found out I needed a root canal. If I had gone in right away I could have just got by with a filling but over time an infection set in so more work was needed. Pain is a signal to us to make a change.

We do all we can to avoid pain. We ignore the pain in our marriage until the divorce papers are served. We ignore the pain at work caused by too many hours by telling ourselves we are doing this for our family and have no other choice until we realize we once again missed our daughters birthday party. We mask the pain in our chest with drugs until we are carried off on a stretcher. Pain is God's way of getting our attention and telling us to fix things or make a change!

Pain is not punishment from God but rather His way to wake us up. Genesis 3:17 says "Cursed is the ground for your sake" NKJV. It doesn't say for your punishment but your sake! Pain tells us something is wrong. Without the pain we would continue to do the same activity causing the pain. Without pain we would ignore the scorpion, we would ignore our marriage problems and our hearts.

The next time you feel pain ask yourself what is causing the pain and what should you do to correct it. Remember God also knows pain. He sent His son to us to endure all of our sins and pain and then die a horribly painful death on the cross. If He endured the pain of the death of His son to lay the path for us to be united with Him in heaven maybe we should use our pain to not only fix things in our lives but also to help guide others.

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