Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Ultimate Life Threatening Disease

We all probably know or know about someone with a disease that if left unchecked is life threatening. It is tragic to watch someone waste away in the last years of their life. It is even more tragic knowing that many of these disease's could have been prevented. What many of us don't want to acknowledge is that we ALL suffer from a terminal illness. That illness that threatens our lives is sin.

Our bodies will one day cease to function, that's a given. But our bodies have always been just a temporary holding place for our soul. Our bodies are of this world and thus subject to the laws and conditions of this world. Our souls however were created to exist forever. Whether you believe in God or not your soul will live on. It will either live with our Creator on the new earth or live in constant torment in Hell.

Jesus has given us a way to live with Him forever but we must accept His invitation. Just like preventing a bodily disease we can also prevent a spiritual one. How tragic it is to lose a loved one knowing you will not be seeing them again in Heaven.

The Ultimate Life Threatening Disease? Sin, but there is a cure. Just ask the Great Physician.

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