Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Should we care about our politicians religion?

George Bush wore his Christianity on his sleeve. Barack Obama says he's a Christian but hasn't seen a church in a while. We are told JFK was a devout(don't know how devout with his affairs) Catholic and Mitt Romney was a proud Mormon. Does it matter today what a politicians religion is?

Unlike many blog sites I see I have to say YES! I am not talking about a Christian in name only but one that actually tries to follow God's word. I could not vote for someone with no moral compass. He or she may be a wonderful person and lived an exemplary life but with only their own moral background what decisions will they make when their back is to the wall? Now a Christian can fall and make mistakes, no doubt about it but I would feel more comfortable if they had a real belief in God and were trying to follow His lead in all they do. How someone lives his life is important to me when I'm asking him to lead my country. If he cheated on his wife will he give in to temptation in D.C.? If he is known for a bad temper or has abused his kids will he fly off the handle when things get tough with Iran?

Before anyone gets all excited I'm not talking about establishing any certain religion as the designated religion. All I'm talking about is knowing where someone gets their ideology.

If our politicians take the oath of office on the Bible shouldn't we hold them to that standard? And if we aren't going to keep them accountable why do the dog and pony show at the swearing in? Let them swear to whatever or whoever will guide them. It could be a tree, a beer bottle or an astrologer. At least this way we know what we are getting.

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