Saturday, February 13, 2010

Women cheat too!

Look up adultery on google and you will see over 6 million different sites listed. Look closely and see how many cover the aspect of adultery where the woman is the cheater. View your churches ministries and see if there is one for men who have been cheated on. My bets are there aren't any. I found this out when I was cheated on. Why does society think men are the only ones who commit adultery and even if it's the wife who goes astray, the man should be able to take it?

The feminist movement told women that they could do everything a man could do. That they had the same rights to follow their dreams just like men. The past 40+ years have showed us that the NOW gang was right. Women now have more heart disease, high blood pressure and affairs then they used to. Welcome gals to our world!

As more women sow their wild oats they will find the hollowness of infidelity. And as more men are cheated on they (the men) will find the intense pain that has long been relegated to the female species. The effects on a man are different than a woman when it comes to infidelity. While a woman generally seeks emotional connection a man is looking for that physical relationship which in turn produces the emotional relationship. I'm not an expert in this field but from my own experience and from others I've talked to a man is hurt in a different but equally painful way.

A man has an ego! I know that's a shock. Much of his self esteem comes from being all those things society tells us makes a man. Bread-winner, strong, daring and of course, great in bed. This last one is probably the biggest. If you don't think so then why are there so many "male-enhancement" commercials on TV? Remember all the stories and jokes in the locker room about sex and a guys sexual prowess? Sex to a man is Big! There is hardly anything worse to a man then when his wife gives her body to another man. The questions fill your head. How did it happen? How good was the sex? How many times? Was he better than me? The "why did it happen" comes after all the questions about the actual act.

So where does a man go? For me I had to keep it to myself for the most part. I spent most of my time trying to heal my wife and never thought about healing myself. It actually wasn't until recently that my wife and I sat down and I opened up to her about my thoughts. I had questions about the affair but didn't know if I really wanted the answers but I knew the only way to truly heal was to get everything into the light. Nothing satan likes better then to keep our thoughts to ourselves in the dark recesses of our minds to be used when he wants to make us question our marriage.

I wish every self centered man out there could feel the pain I felt. This is the same pain he causes his wife when he cheats on her. Once you experience it you would not wish to ever hurt anyone like that. Men, don't keep it to yourselves. Talk it out with someone. It will only eat you alive if you keep it hidden.

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