Thursday, February 18, 2010

Should the word retarded be banned?

Sarah Palin jumped on Rahm Emanuel a couple weeks ago for using the word retarded in describing some Democrats who oppose the Administration. Since then the "R" word has been treated like the "N" word. Is this political correctness run amok?

As a highly visible Christian and Conservative Palin has made hay with Rahm's comment. Should we ban a word just because it offends someone? How about the words fatso, baldy, slut or idiot? Does banning a word change the attitude? Let's say we ban the word and instead call a handicapped person "special". Now every time someone calls a child special won't it bring up the same feeling as retarded. In time will special be banned?

As they say, you can't legislate morality. Until you change society's attitude towards any word banning that word will hardly make a difference. It is somewhat hypocritical of conservatives to make this an issue when they have been on the forefront to stop the PC crowd from censoring anything that offends someone.

Change peoples hearts and their vocabulary will change.

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