Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Porn destroys another relationship

Adult movies, men's magazines, gentleman's clubs. Call it whatever you want but the viewing of scantily clad women is big business. How big? The 2005 revenue from porn was $12.5 billion. 45 million people access porn on the internet each month. Approximately 70% of men between 18-34 report viewing monthly. 47% of families say porn is a problem in their home. A 2000 Christianity Today survey of clergy showed that 33% said they had viewed a sexually explicit website.

Porn is a seductive mistress promising more than she can deliver. Initially the viewing of material may not seem to be a problem but the male brain is wired in such a way that viewing a sexually explicit picture releases a pleasure producing hormone. Over time we require more explicit pictures to get the same "high". Ultimately more time viewing or riskier behavior is needed to produce the desired high. This is when relationships fail and men are destroyed.

This was made clear to me by a young couple we were mentoring before their marriage. Something was off with the groom to be and after some long discussions he came clean about his addiction. He thought he could keep it under control but his fiance could tell there was a problem. Their wedding was postponed six weeks before the ceremony and my young friend looked to me to help him with his problem. We were to meet last week and he couldn't make it. He didn't show up tonight either. I can't get hold of him and fear it's a battle he isn't ready to tackle. I also fear he has no idea the power it has over his life.

Men, please talk to your sons about porn. Give them the books and articles. Porn today is a serious problem that with the internet only makes the problem worse.

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