Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Should we all strive for ministry?

I was in my 40's when I started my walk with God and for the first few years I constantly felt I was letting God down because I was working in the secular world and not a full time ministry job. So I did ministry "on the side" while continuing my full time job. What I found was it was very difficult to do both at a high level of competency.

We love marriage ministry and would do that full time given the opportunity but not having retirement money to live on we continue to work. We have cut back in our church ministries but what we have found is ministry opportunities continue to come to us. These opportunities are from our small group, our family and our friends. We are as busy as ever but not in an organized manner.

An essay by Dorothy Sayers entitled "Why Work" says it better than I can. "Christians must get it firmly into their heads that when a man or woman is called to a particular job of secular work, that is as true a vocation as though he or she were called to a specific religious work."

In doing the work that God gifted us for—whether it be truck driver, politician or a plumber—does not make us second-class Christians nor Christians who aren't doing the work of Christ. We are people who are worshipping God with the abilities He gave us and expects us to use no matter our place in society.

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