Thursday, March 4, 2010

Honey, is the door locked?

A simple question usually asked at 10 PM after I'm in bed. "I think so" is the logical response especially since I have no idea but assume it is. I think so to a man means yes. I think so to a woman means no. I think so to a man means it probably is and even if it isn't I'm not worried about it. I think so to a woman means it might not be so I won't be able to sleep because someone might break in.

Men & women react so differently to what they hear and see that sometimes you have to wonder if we are from the same gene pool. When a man is in bed he's done for the night. A women gets in bed and still has 40 things on her mind that either should have been done or need to be done tomorrow. Ex: Mr. "I think so" has hinted that it would be a great night for a little romance to the Mrs. He hops into bed and there is only one thing on his mind as he watches his bride of 30 years get ready. All systems are go and we are ready for takeoff. The little woman snuggles up, gives him a kiss on the cheek and then mentions she talked to her mom today and she is coming to visit. She proceeds to tell hubby that means the living room needs to be painted and that leaky faucet will have to get fixed. Which reminds her that the toilet backed up and the plumber is coming out tomorrow. All Mr. "I think so" hears is "I wonder if anything is going to happen tonight". He really has no idea what was said.

It doesn't do any good to get mad at her for having so many things on her mind just as it doesn't do any good for her to get mad at him for desiring her all the time. We're different and we are supposed to be! God made us the way we are for a reason. Maybe discovering that reason and embracing it is part of the reason.

So smile to yourself, get up and check the door that is probably already locked. It takes seconds but sends a message to her that you value her and don't want her to worry. Tomorrow night when you get in bed just make sure you've already checked the door!

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